WSO2 Identity Server — 5 min install guide
Like I did a few days ago, Today I am going to show how to quickly install WSO Identity Server using the binary file distribution in a linux virtual machine for testing purposes.
Before we start, just a few words about what is WSO2 Identity Server:
The current version is 5.7.0 and in order to download the file you’ll need to create your account for free in the wso2 website. Here it is the link:
There are a plenty of ways of installing a WSO2 Identity Server, you can see all of them in the wso2 website:
In your linux machine, let’s start the quick installation:
It would be a best practice if you create a SO user called wso2.
- Download and install Oracle JDK1.8 or OpenJDK 8 and set your JAVA_HOME; In my case I am going to download Oracle JDK 1.8 latest version in a tar gz file:
curl -L -b “oraclelicense=a” -O
tar -xvzf jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz
ln -s /u01/middleware/jdk1.8.0_201 /u01/middleware/jdk
echo “export JAVA_HOME=/u01/middleware/jdk” >> ~/.bash_profile
echo “export PATH=$PATH:/u01/middleware/jdk/bin:/u01/middleware/jdk/jre/bin” >> ~/.bash_profilejava -version
openjdk version “1.8.0_201”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)
2. Download and unzip wso2 product:
curl -o -u <your_email_account>:<your_password>
3. Running the product where IS_HOME is your identity server directory
sh <IS_HOME>/bin/
4. You’ll see in the output logs a Mgt Console URL:
5. Type in your webbrowser the URL and you’ll see the login page. The default credentials are admin/admin.
That is it!